Hello, my name is Sare, I have always been fascinated by natural medicine, stone circles, ancient history and healing arts, Sare is pronounced like Mary but with an ‘S’.
I provide clients a holistic approach to health and home by integrating my disciplines, I understand the interconnectedness of mind, body, spirit and land, which in turn are reflected in our lives, relationships, health and home. My training covers three main areas:
- Earth Energy dowsing (home harmony, geopathic stress, geopsychic stress, electromagnetics, feng shui, space clearing and creating sacred space and gardens)
- Kinesiology (working to rebalance emotional, electrical, structural and bio-chemistry, through meridians, reflexes, flower essences, healing and naturopathic support).
- Teaching and coaching (solution focussed and career coach, earth energy, happy homes, health and personal development)
I am qualified in Touch for Health™ Health Kinesiology™ Natural Bioenergetics™, Kinesiology Association Diplomat and Naturopath. I am also a member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and an insured professional earth energy and health Dowser.
Personally my love of earth energy drew me to train at an early age so I have over 30 years of experience, having studied geopathic energies with some amazing pioneer earth energy professionals, also learning Feng Shui and later becoming a tutor for British Dowsers. Since then I have helped hundreds of families to help their homes to feel happier, as I worked to get these places back into balance, harmony and cleared non beneficial patterns.
I followed with holistic health after a prolonged period of my health not being where I wanted it to be. When learning Touch for Health Kinesiology, in 2009 we practiced a muscle memory release technique on an old shoulder injury, after 4 years of constant ‘bunched up’ muscle aches and soreness just one treatment left me almost pain free, my energy also felt lifted. Then in 2018 I became unwell with Lyme disease and found help from a Kinesiology Association professional who soon got me back on track, so I continued my final years of training with them. I love the range of treatment options, naturopathy, nutrition, emotions, body work and fixes in kinesiology as they can integrate to create a whole person approach, this works so well as your muscle responses let me know exactly what you need.
As a practitioner I am intuitive, pragmatic and down to earth in my approach.
I look forward to supporting you on your journey to nourish your mind, body and home.
If you’d like to find out more email or call me on 07910230395.
“Truly being you means finding the best set of conditions in your life energy and inner potential, your sparkle, your authentic self and quiet joy depends on clearing blocks and enabling life to flow. When things are not flowing quite right it might feel as if you are swimming against the tide of life. By correcting imbalance your potential for vitality and happiness is increased and things flow more naturally.” Sare
Sare’s Credentials
- Kinesiology Association Diplomat
- Touch for Health, Health Kinesiology.
- Trained Tutor and registered Professional Dowser with the British Society of Dowsers
- Trained with the London Feng Shui Network for classical and compass alignment systems
- Information, Advice & Guidance degree and many hours of continual professional development, holistic qualifications and workshops
My logo represent both aspects of my work, combining the geometric (seed of life), an ancient sacred symbol from 10,000 BC with ‘Orchis Mascula’ a medicinal orchid, known as Salep.