Self nurture with hygge and immune boosters

Enjoy and thrive in the mizzly spring.  Well spring is not quite here, grey and green mizzle ahead, our colds coming and going, and so is the weather.  A reminder to cherish oneself, starting with one word “hygge” pronounced “hoo-ga”, it’s Danish translated as “cosiness” but it also means “wellbeing” in Norwegian. So let’s give ourselves permission for some Hygge time. Here are some ideas; just think ‘me time for

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Discover the power of blessing.

Discover the power of blessing. May your life be blessed with peace, health and joy. May you attract the best circumstances and opportunities. What exactly is a blessing? It is the act of sending out positive vibes by thinking kindly and lovingly, with the intent to bring harmony and beneficial outcome. This involves working from a place of higher love, elevating the vibration in your intent to the highest and

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Summer solstice and the power of nature, questions to ask yourself and Bach plant essences

Embrace & Celebrate mid summer, the power of nature and its reflection on your own abundance. The summer solstice is upon us, traditionally a time to party and watch the sun rise, but also a time to celebrate yourself and your achievements. Midsummer is a time to embrace flowers, give gifts of herbs and gather in the first crops of plants, flowers and herbs to dry for the winter.  We

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Earthing your energy: a guide to body voltage

How to protect your body voltage from electromagnetic stress Humans are aligned to the natural voltage of the earth. We used to walk barefoot, sleep on it and stay connected with its perfectly charged low voltage. Within each of us are trillions of electrical brain and cell activities using this low voltage as part of our metabolic system. However, technology has bought with it a huge spectrum of electromagnetic radiation,

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Space clearing your home

Hello, Space clearing has its roots in shamanistic and religious ceremonies, this translates well for home use when helping us to change and lift the atmosphere. This guide has been created by me in 7 steps to help you get started with a truly heartfelt welcome. All the best Sare Bassett Why bother to space clear anway? Your home should be a pure clear template of energy that feels balanced

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Immunity & online services April 2020

Thank you for opening! We are living through unprecedented times, history books will remember 2020 as a year that changed the world. Emotionally many people are veering from fear, ‘fight and flight’ type survival instincts, worry and anxiety, to surreal peacefulness – all in one day! Social isolation has been suggested globally for humankind, but I prefer to see it as physical distance as we can still reach out to

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Newsletter February 2020: Joy & Happiness

Hello! Welcome to my spring newsletter on the theme of Joy and Happiness. I am finally out of hibernation and there has been a little patch of blue sky today, hooray for the coming of spring. The equinox will be here in just over three weeks (when day and night are equal lengths) so brighter days will soon be here. I am pleased to say my Health Kinesiology exams are

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Emotional Stress Release: Kinesiology tips to help yourself

When we feel stressed and are constantly confronted with unpleasant, worrying, difficult situations, our body energies can respond by moving in the body, have you ever felt butterflies in the pit of your stomach or your shoulders tense up? That’s the energy moving, getting blocked. Depending on the severity of the problem, the body adapts its system to deal with a crisis.  Firstly, it shuts down digestion so that blood

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