Align your home, health and life.

Welcome. Your world is about you, your wellness, being able to relax, feel aligned and a positive in your mind both within yourself and your home.

Home health & happiness alignment solutions combine Feng Shui and dowsing to reduce or eliminate geopathic stress, creating a harmonious and joy-filled living space for well-being and happy family life. When our homes are effected by detrimental earth energy, we may struggle to relax, sleep, or experience a general sense of discomfort.

Kinesiology and dowsing for health alignment, are unique treatment sessions targeted to your specific needs, whether they are emotional, physical, structural, bio-chemical or electro-magnetic or if you don’t know what you need, Sare can help.

Life is simply too short not to strive for improvement, be it health or home harmony. Both work well online and I am here to offer positive solutions.

All you need to do is book a free chat

House Healing

Your home doesn’t have to be perfect but it should feel like a sanctuary when you return to it. House Healing and Pre-purchase Dowsing Surveys are about ensuring and creating somewhere you can sleep, rest and recuperate to the maximum without outside influences. Solutions include sacred space, feng shui, geopathic stress dowsing and earth healing techniques to clear and create uplifted and positive energy vibrations.

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Health Kinesiology™, Natural Bioenergetics™ and Touch for Health™ are gentle yet extremely powerful techniques that trigger and balance your unique self-healing and muscle synergy using Chinese medicinal systems such as acupressure. Treatment helps many things, for example injury recovery, pain and anxiety whilst also maintaining good health and lifting your well-being. When our inner energy is flowing, we live without stress

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Holistic Treatments

Therapeutic Massage helps release physical muscle tension, back pain, improves muscular skeletal health and promotes relaxation. Treatments options include; hot and cold healing stones, Indian head and shoulder and therapeutic massage. Energy Healing includes Reiki, Spiritual healing, Sekhem and Magnified Healing which gently stimulates our natural ability to self-heal, releases muscle tension stress,

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Workshops & Courses

Sare is an empathetic and understanding practitioner who has fifteen years’ experience in guidance, coaching, solution focused therapy, working one to one and delivering empowering workshops which are available in person and online. Sessions aim to inspire and enable authentic self-development, confidence and help us overcome difficulties such as stress and anxiety. Specialism includes; self-esteem, careers,

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Book or Sign Up

Interested in knowing more? If you would like to discuss anything then Sare is happy to give advice and explain how these services might help you, what might be best for different things and answer any questions. Our base is in Surrey covering UK and international support. Please complete the email enquiry form along with your contact number so we can get in touch, alternatively you can just call us to book.

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